Mesothelioma Compensation Scheme Concerns


Corries have welcomed the review of a Scheme which pays compensation to victims of the asbestos disease, Mesothelioma.

The Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS) was introduced in April 2014. The scheme pays compensation to asbestos Mesothelioma victims who cannot trace their former employers or insurers.

The Department for Work and Pensions has published a summary of payments made under the scheme during 2015/16.

Key Findings

 The report confirms that there were 375 applications during the financial year 2015/16. This was a slight decrease from the previous year figure of 405.

Of those who applied some 240 or 65% succeeded. There were 50 who were unsuccessful, 40 were pending a decision and 20 had withdrawn their claims.

The number of unsuccessful cases was reduced from 22% to 16% though the number who had withdrawn their application had increased from 2 to 7%.

The majority of applicants, 92% are male, broadly reflecting that it is mostly a male disease. It also reflects the occupations where asbestos exposure and subsequent risk of developing mesothelioma were high.

The majority of sufferers worked in the plumbing electrical and construction industries.

About 65% of those who applied were between age 65 to 79.

The majority of applicants were diagnosed after 5 April 2015.

In the financial year 2015/16 a total of £42.8 million was paid. £36.5million was made in direct payments to applicants and £6.3 million was repaid to the Government.


The average DMPS award in 2015/16 was just over £135, 000. This was mainly due to the increase in the tariff from 80 to 100%.

Of the unsuccessful application applicants who sought to review the decision about a third of these resulted in a different outcome. This tended to happen when further information was provided.

The review found that the Scheme administrator is providing a quick and efficient service with over 95% of applications being paid within six weeks upon receipt of the claims handlers agreement to pay.

Corries Comments

 Howard Bonnett, Director and Manager of Corries Specialist Asbestos Team commented:-

“ The number of people applying for the scheme seems low to me. I am concerned that not everyone is being advised about the scheme. Some people think that if they have had a small lump sum from the government then they have had all they are entitled to. They are wrong.

 I would invite anyone with a diagnosis of mesothelioma to make sure they see a solicitor to make sure all compensation is pursued for them.

 The report confirms that the scheme is being handled well and efficiently. The number of failing cases is a concern.

 I would like to see a change in the scheme so that ALL mesothelioma victims who cannot make a claim for compensation get paid.
They all suffer this terrible plight. They should all be compensated”

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