UK's Leading Asbestos Lawyers
Helping the people of the UK for over 25 years.
Are the symptoms different for asbestos cancer and smoking lung cancer?
Lung Cancer and Asbestos
Lung Cancer affects about 40,000 people in the UK. It is thought that as many as 10% of those diagnosed could have Asbestos-related lung cancer.
Smokers who develop this condition are often reluctant to make a compensation claim. Medical evidence shows that those with a history of significant exposure to Asbestos are much more likely than non-smokers to develop Asbestos lung cancer. The effects of smoking and lung cancer multiply the risks rather than add to each other.
The risks of developing cancer for a smoker are 10:1. If you are exposed to a large dose of asbestos then the risk is generally 5:1. Having these two toxins in your body means that the risks multiply each other rather than add to each other. This means a person with asbestos exposure who smokes has a far higher risk than most others.
For a claim for lung cancer, we need to show that exposure to asbestos more than doubled the risk of cancer developing. This means we have to carefully assess your working life and exposure to asbestos.
Corries have many years of experience in making successful claims for Asbestos lung cancer. We have dedicated Solicitors to deal with such claims.
For more information, call us today on 0800 083 7839 for free, confidential and friendly advice.
Are the symptoms different for asbestos cancer and smoking lung cancer?
Studies have estimated that between 50% and 80% of asbestos, workers are smokers.
Smoking has never been directly linked to mesothelioma or asbestosis. The primary cause of asbestos-related cancer is exposure is asbestos. Decades of research have not found an increased risk of mesothelioma among asbestos workers who smoke.
However, smoking is a risk factor for developing asbestos-related lung cancer. If asbestos exposure has occurred, you may have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma.
The symptoms of lung cancer are the same regardless of if the cause is down to smoking, asbestos exposure or both.
Can I still claim compensation for asbestosis-related lung cancer if I have been a smoker?
Yes, you can, if you have been a smoker but are also exposed to asbestos you can still claim compensation. Most workers smoked at some point back in the 1960’sand 70s. You are still entitled to make a compensation claim although your past smoking will be taken into consideration.
Which Solicitors are experts in cases of asbestos lung cancer where the worker smoked?
We have expert lawyers in Asbestos cancer claims with experience of over 30 years. We have had many successful cases where our client smoked at some point in his life. Corries take on all asbestos claims on a No Win, No Fee basis. That means if we do not recover anything you will not have to pay anything. Call Corries on 0800 083 7839 or contact us online.
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